Xinliyuan International Trade Co., Ltd. Celebrated the Year-End Party of 2020

On January 3, 2020, Fujian Xinliyuan International Trade Co., Ltd. held the Year-End Party of 2020

「Keep The Initiative • Create The Future」

At Shishi Aile International Hotel for the sake of treating the company colleagues who have worked hard for one year.

In the past year,our company has made great progress with the joint efforts of all colleagues. Excellent results have been achieved in sales, internal staff management,external supply chain communication and social contributions,which fully demonstrate the unique style of a vibrant foreign trade enterprise!

At the end of the party,the company's board of directors distributed luck money to all employees,affirming the company's development progress,and also expressed gratitude and appreciation to all partners.They wished all employees and the company have excellent performance in the new year .

The banquet is over,but the new year for all members has just begun.We wish you all the best in the new year,seize the days, never lose the time,never be afraid of wind and rain,or to resist danger,let us work together to create our glory!


Post time: Jun-12-2020